My empire will not build it’s self. I am actively building my empire, and some days it is down right rough to keep going. Especially when I do not see or get instant results for my efforts. Thought I am some days just laying the foundation or tweaking something. I know it will take many more days, week and even years before I may truly see my empire rise.
Laying Foundation
Just like any building a business needs a good strong foundation. Without the strength and support of the foundation a building can not be raised that will last very long. In the business world this is true, if the business does not have a strong foundation it will not succeed. Part of the foundation of a business is the business needs to know that they do. Knowing my why will be my key to success and build a good foundation and starting point.
My Why!
Well when it comes to why I want to build a business empire is first and foremost create a better life for myself! Being able to afford a better lifestyle, and get myself out from under poverty. Additionally I would love to be able to support world changing organizations and causes financially. Another part of my why is that I do not do well in regular type jobs where you I would have to preform to a certain level. As well the flexibility with my time.
When it comes to branding we all know about Coke Cola, Tim Horton’s and many others. When it comes to a business foundation having and knowing your brand is vital. It is very easy to get distracted and water down down what a business does. One of my brands that I operate is So Good Hosting this brand is simple yet effective. It would be very hard to misunderstand what this business does as it is in the name.
Know Your Product or Services!
There is nothing worse than not know what your business offers for products and services. Depending on they type of business you are in you may have a hundred products or two or three products and services. When it comes the Web Hosting I know a fair bit about it but just like any industry there is is always new and emerging technology. Staying on top of your product or services can be time consuming. As for myself I have limited So Good Hosting to just two services Personal Hosting Plan and a Business Hosting Plan. Some of my other business offer a variety of different products and services.
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