Well, here we are again at the end of another year and Christmas is upon use. As it is now Christmas I want to just take a moment and reflect on the past year that has been such a blessing. I can say that I am definitely further ahead and doing so much better than I was from last Christmas. I am fee much better than I have in the past, I have learned so much and grown in the past year
The past twelve months have not been easy, they have been down right tough at times, but I can say through it all I have come for the better. First off with one of my business root.MEDIA where I ended up having to migrate my entire client base from one service provider to an entirely new provider and getting tough with some of my clients that they needed to pay for the services that I was providing them and that there are no more free rides. Brent Dynamics has seen some growth as well over the past year with the information technology services as well I have been doing a fair bit of work outside the information technology arena where I have been doing some physical labour work with my brother at TerraCana Foundation Solutions where I have gained some valuable experience with operating a Forklift.
Another thing that I have done this year is I have taken my personal health and well being. I was at a point earlier this year that something needed to change and that I needed to get help with my constant and on going battle with depression and anxiety. That change came by me making an effort to go and seeing a Psychiatrist and getting on medication. I also have been attending Cognitive Behavior Therapy that has given me many tools in coping and dealing with my depression and anxiety issues. Though I am not complete or free and clear of depression and anxiety I am doing and functioning much better.
Another thing that I have been doing is ti have been doing nutritional supplements from USANA which had greatly help me with my overall energy, and feeling better about myself. As I know I can’t get better if I do not give my body the proper nutrients to help it’s self get better.
On the financial front I can say that I have made some major progress, I am doing better and in the process of rebuilding my personal credit by being diligent and making arrangements with creditors and keeping them. I can say that I will have paid off three of my creditors by the end of the year leaving just a small amount of debt that I will be working on in this coming year.
Looking forward to the new year
That is awesome Brent! Thank you for this little glimpse into your life. We are sure thankful to have you around at church. We couldn’t do what we do without people like you giving of their time, heart and soul!
Cheers to the best 2017 ever!!!
From Steve + Ashley Mohr